Things About Me #1 - 25
1. I wish on stars.
2. I had my son when I was 17 years old.
3. The song I want for my wedding is "So This is Love" from Cinderella.
4. Truthfully I don't think I will ever get married.
5. People always think my name is A-neek-a. That annoys me.
6. When my sister and I were littler and we were having family pictures, we'd make ugly or funny faces to ruin them.
7. We compiled a whole bunch of those pictures and put them in a card for my mom that said "You're a great mom -- look how we turned out!"
8. I think I could eat either sour cream or whipped cream on every food.
9. The thing I like the least about myself is my thought patterns.
10. I talk to other drivers even though they can't hear me.
11. The last Math class I took I passed with 50%. I think the teacher just didn't want me to come back.
12. I have never travelled outside of North America.
13. I have a chicken pox scar on my leg calf.
14. I really hate cats because we had a cat from hell growing up.
15. When I learned to snowboard I could only go backwards for most of the day until my friend finally taught me to go forwards.
16. Until I was 2 years old I had barely any hair. And the hair I did have was very fine and so blonde that I looked bald. I was mistaken for a boy many times.
17. Green is my very favorite color.
18. I don't like it when people touch my neck. It induces my gag reflex.
19. I pierced my ears three times with a safety pin when I was 16.
20. Then I tried piercing my belly button with a safety pin and it got infected.
21. My most vivid memory of growing up is the evening my mom told me that my dad had a girlfriend.
22. I don't dance but I really like to (yeah you try figuring that one out)
23. I have this horrible habit of envisioning myself getting into a huge car accident when I'm driving.
24. I find that I am sadder more often on rainy or overcast days than sunny days.
25. I worry incessantly.
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