This Weekend in Math ...
1 front tooth knocked out of Jacob's mouth while boating (it was already loose)
+1 green-shirt-guy getting a wedgie in the middle of the dance floor (he deserved it)
+1 dinner with my Oma & Opa (it made me sad)
+1 shot of tequila that made me want to dry heave
+1 plate of calamari that Jacob liked even after I told him what it is (he started naming them)
+1 night out until 6am (including: watching the sunrise at the beach)
+1 sunburn
+2 new venus fly trap plants (hopefully these ones won't die)
+2 packets of candied walnuts from McDonald's for breakfast
+2 times wearing my new shirt (I know, I'm a geek)
+2 blisters on my feet from my shoes
+2 cups of hot chocolate while Jacob and I watched fireworks from our balcony
+2 dill pickles I ate at a party where we were the only girls, besides the host
+2 times dancing (I. Don't. Dance.)
=3 day weekend
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