My Experience of Love ...*
Love is high hopes that disappoint.
Love is exposing yourself to be ridiculed.
Love is worry.
Love is tears.
Love is work that bears no fruit.
Love is making a fool of yourself.
Love is binding yourself to another person, just to have them leave, dragging you behind for awhile and leaving you bruised and scraped.
Love is trying to talk to a turned head.
Love is disappointment.
Love is someone beating you down.
Love is exposing your vulnerabilities and letting someone take advantage of it.
Love is wasted thoughts.
Love is risks that shouldn't have been taken.
Love is a mockery of your true self.
Love is selling everything you have for that one thing, but never actually getting to hold that thing in your hand.
Love is a regret that should never be forgotten.
Love is believing lies.
Love is waiting for something that never arrives.
Love is walking blindly into disaster.
Love is disregarding any warning signs.
*from my journal, so don't mock it even if you really really want to.
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