It's Irrelevant, Really ...
I want to wake up my boys
I want to gather scattered toys
I want to sit with you at breakfast
I want to clean messy faces
I want to help you make your lunch
I want to make a pot of coffee
I want to sing you to sleep for a nap
I want to pick up groceries
I want to watch the snow fall
I want to wipe fingerprints off walls
I want to have dinner ready when he comes home
I want to see your first smile of the day
I want to be here when you walk through the door
I want to hear about the scandals and adventures at school
I want to call you at work
I want to ask about your day
I want to not do my hair
I want to go to the gym
I want to putter in the garden
I want to walk on a sunny day
I want to tuck you in every night
I want to get cuddles and hugs
I want to be here for you
I don't want to go back to work.
Awww..that would be so hard to go back to work! How long have you been off?
good luck!
I know, the transition of going back to work after mat leave is SO hard. I have done it twice and really struggled both times. A year off can be a realllllly long time and yet an 11 month still seems SO tiny and helpless.
I was so nervous about all the changes that come with going back!
Are you able to go back only part time? Because for me, I feel like I'm gone JUST enough. Enough time for my family to miss and appreciate me, but not so much that I miss out. It's a fine line I guess. Plus it's actually kind of enjoyable to do a job and interact with other adults and come home to a wonderful family.
Sorry to hear you're having a hard time. Good luck!!
Thanks for understanding!!
Nikol -- I've been off since April and have to go back this April. A year seemed like a long time, but it really isn't.
Jenn -- I'm so glad you know how I feel! I can't go back part time, which is sad, because I think that would make it a bit easier, but I agree that it will be so sweet to come home to my family when I've been away from them!
Not irrelevant. Not irrelevant at all.
Jim -- It's not irrelevant in my little heart either, but it is irrelevant in general because I have no choice
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