Insert First Few Seconds of the Forget About Dre Song (by Eminem) Here ...
... because you know at the start of that song? It's kind of like a sneaky soundtrack. But not the rest of the song; just the start before the rapping.
And that's what I wanted to bring to your attention: Have you ever realized how immensely funny sneak attacking is?! It is without a doubt the FUNNIEST THING EVER! Ponder the different types of sneak attacks:
- sneak attack by tackling (this can also be called 'attackling'). So funny, right?
- sneak attack by water fighting. This is a great idea to do sometimes in the house (it's sneakier). A friend and I had the hugest waterfight ever at my old house when I lived with mes parents (they weren't home) and it was crazy. And great. Another good one is when Jake was having a waterfight with my stepdad and Jake turned off the hose (my stepdad's weapon) and sneaked* up on him with his watergun. Yes. Sneak attack by water fight is fabulous.
- sneak attack by film. Sometimes when you're taking pictures or making a video (*cough* Phil *cough*) you have to sneak attack innocent bystanders and get them involved. This is great when you're in Central Park** and you're doing the Anika Cry*** and strangers are turning to stare so you video tape them staring at you. Tres funny. TRES.
- sneak attack by food. This one is great when you do it without even knowing you've done it. Like when you make a baked potato for someone (*cough* Andrew *cough*) and then he discovers that the potato is rotten inside (I didn't do it on purpose I PROMISE). Or? My sister has a friend that (for reasons unbeknownst to me, but great nonetheless) every time cake is eaten, said friend gets the piece of cake that a carrot has been put into.
Oh man. I like sneak attacks.
*sneaked is a better word than snuck
**I have never been there.
***If you know me, you know the Anika Cry. It involves loud wailing and then laughing.
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